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Kyrgyzstani Denis Petrashov becomes swimming champion of Asia


Фотографии: 24.kg

September 28, 2019, 10:34       Источник 24.kg       Комментарии

Kyrgyzstani Denis Petrashov took the first place at the Asian Swimming Championship.
The championship took place on September 24-27 in Bangalore (India). On the final day, Denis Petrashov won the 200-meter breaststroke swim among the adults. His result is 2 minutes 13.81 seconds.
In the category 15-17 years old, Kyrgyzstani Elizaveta Rogozhnikova won a silver medal at a distance of 200 meters on the back and set a new record for the Kyrgyz Republic - 2 minutes 17.21 seconds. She was only 0.1 seconds behind the champion.

Kyrgyzstan won eight medals at the championship. Denis Petrashov won a gold and two silver medals, Elizaveta Rogozhnikova - two silver and three bronze medals.

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