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Dastan Bekeshev proposes 20-year moratorium on uranium mining in Issyk-Kul

April 26, 2019, 11:39       Источник 24.kg       Комментарии

Deputy of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan Dastan Bekeshev offered to impose 20-year moratorium on uranium mining in Issyk- Kul region. The document was submitted for public discussion.
The ban will apply only to the Issyk-Kul biosphere zone. "Taking into account the weakness of control by our state bodies, corruption, as well as the experience of more developed countries that banned uranium mining for radiation safety, I consider it effective to impose a moratorium on the development of uranium deposits and uranium mining in Issyk-Kul biosphere territory for 20 years. This is justified by the fact that, in the future, new uranium processing technologies will be possibly used without harming the environment," Dastan Bekeshev explained.
He does not exclude the fact that with the adoption of this law, the government will have to pay damages to the company that planned to develop the field.
Recall, YurAsia is going to develop Tash-Bulak deposit of Kyzyl-Ompol group of uranium-thorianite placers. It is planned to process it at Kara-Balta Mining Plant. However, residents of Ton district of Issyk-Kul region strongly oppose the project. After a wave of indignation, the Prime Minister ordered to suspend any work at the field until conclusion of a special commission.

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