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Rally against uranium mining takes place in Bishkek




April 26, 2019, 11:29       Источник       Комментарии

Rally against uranium mining at Tash-Bulak deposit in Kyzyl-Ompol village of Issyk-Kul region started in Bishkek.
Participants of the protest demand to instruct the licensing commission of the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use of Kyrgyzstan to conduct immediate audit and cancel over 35 previously issued licenses for geological exploration, sampling, mining and processing of uranium throughout Kyrgyzstan.
In addition, the protesters demand to initiate a criminal case and start an investigation to find out who and when issued the license to YurAsia company in violation of the Law on Biosphere Territories and the government resolution on the Atmospheric Zone of Issyk-Kul.
The protesters said that law enforcement agencies should bring to criminally responsibility and oblige to compensate for the damage caused to the ecosystems and environment of the biosphere territory in the amount set by law.
According to one of the organizers of the rally, Eleri Bitekchi, the protesters are demanding to completely ban uranium mining throughout the country. Protesters are not satisfied with the moratorium imposed by the Cabinet.
Recall, YurAsia is going to develop Tash-Bulak deposit of Kyzyl-Ompol group of uranium-thorianite placers. It is planned to process it at Kara-Balta Mining Plant. However, residents of Ton district of Issyk-Kul region strongly oppose the project. After a wave of indignation, the Prime Minister ordered to suspend any work at the field until conclusion of a special commission.
Representative of the investor Andrey Akimov told reporters that, after the protests, the company suspended all work in the republic until the situation changes.

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