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Incidence of brucellosis in humans decreased by 227 in Kyrgyzstan in 2018



May 3, 2019, 13:42       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - The data for 2018 shows that brucellosis in humans in Kyrgyzstan decreased by 227 people. Thus, in 2017 the number of infected people was 1014 people, and in 2018 this number was 787.
The tendency of brucellosis reduction in the country can be traced to the beginning of the programs carried out within projects implemented by KR Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Melioration jointly with its partners: KR State Inspectorate on Veterinary and Phytosanitary Security, Kyrgyz Scientific Veterinary Research Institute named after A. Duisheev and Republican Center for Health Promotion.
In 2008, Agricultural Investments and Services Project started, and then in 2013 the Livestock and Market Development Project - 1 continued supporting measures for brucellosis reduction through procurement of REV-1 vaccine for sheep and goat, trained and strengthened the material and technical base of private veterinarians, carried out serology researches and activities for raising awareness of citizens about brucellosis.
Such comprehensive measures and inter-agency cooperation allowed significant change in decrease of incidence of brucellosis in humans by more than five times and in animals by three times.
To achieve the goal of total eradication of brucellosis, activities that were initiated will be continued within the "Access to Markets Project", which began its work in the current year.
Brucellosis - dangerous disease that is transmitted to humans from infected farm animals - directly through contact with them and through animal products when sanitary norms and personal hygiene are not followed.

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