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PM Abylgaziev instructs to strengthen work on lending in regions




July 4, 2019, 11:30       Источник       Комментарии

Bishkek, July 4, 2019. /Kabar/. Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkalyi Abylgaziev held meeting on the activities of financial and credit organizations with state participation, the press service of the Government reported.
The information on the work of Aiyl Bank, RSK Bank, Guarantee Fund open joint-stock companies, Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund within the Year of Regional Development and Digitalization was heard.
"In 5 months of 2019 GDP growth has amounted to 5.6%, commercial banks provided loans in the amount of KGS 136.4 billion, of which KGS 86.6 billion were issued in the national currency. Loans issued in trade made 36 KGS billion, agriculture - 27.4 KGS billion, consumer credits – KGS 14.6 billion, mortgage – KGS 13 billion, construction – KGS 12.3 billion, industry – KGS 11.2 billion. The priority in our work is the development of regions and digitalization, the role of financial institutions in supporting entrepreneurs by providing affordable credit funds is important. This will allow development of enterprises and creation new jobs, improving the social and economic situation of the regions. The work on the development of banking infrastructure in the regions, increasing the availability of banking services, especially in remote areas of the country is also important ," Prime Minister Abylgaziev said.
The prime minister stressed the importance of simplification of procedures for reviewing business projects by Russian-Kyrgyz Foundation. Besides he noted the importance of loans of tourism facilities and support for women's entrepreneurship.
During the meeting, financial and credit organizations were instructed to strengthen their work in the regions on lending to agriculture and processing industry.

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