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PM Abylgaziev instructs to strengthen preventive measures against emergency situations



July 11, 2019, 16:21       Источник       Комментарии

Bishkek, July 11, 2019. /Kabar/. Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Mukhammedkalyi Abylgaziev held a working meeting on the taking preventive measures to protect against emergency situations and provide the population with irrigation water, the press service of the Government reported.
During the meeting Prime Minister Abylgaziev was informed about the relevant information of Minister of Emergency Situations Nurbolot Mirzakhmedov, Chairman of the Board of the National Energy Holding Company Aitmamat Nazarov and Director of the Department of Water Management and Land Reclamation under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Land Reclamation Kokumbek Tashtanalyiev.
Nurbolot Mirzakhmedov said over the past few days, mudflows in some mountainous areas of Jalal-Abad, Batken, Osh and Naryn Oblasts have become more frequent. There are no major serious emergency situations at the moment. To date, the staff of the Emergency Ministry has been working to eliminate the consequences of the disaster.
Abylgaziev emphasized the need for prompt and coordinated cooperation of all public authorities in case of emergency situations.
"There is need to ensure quality implementation of the whole complex of special preventive measures to protect our villages and towns, objects of life support from floods, mudflows, consequences of earthquakes and landslides. Please pay special attention to fire safety and ensuring the safety of citizens, especially children, on the water. Taking into account the onset of the active phase of the tourist season, it is necessary to strengthen security measures in all resort areas, as well as in other public gathering places. The safety of people will depend on the quality of preventive measures," the prime minister said.
During the meeting, the insurance of housing against emergency situations was touched upon, and the need to strengthen awareness-raising among the population, primarily those living in potentially dangerous areas of the country was stressed.
As a result of the meeting, Abylgaziev gave a number of instructions, concerning the strengthening of work on the implementation of preventive measures against emergency situations throughout the country, especially in areas with risks of emergency situations.

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