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Profound changes in life of Kyrgyz living in China


Фотографии: kabar.kg


July 15, 2019, 10:46       Источник kabar.kg       Комментарии

Kyzyl-Suu Kyrgyz Autonomous Oblast of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is located in the western part of the People’s Republic of China. Its territory is 71 thousand square kilometers with a population of 600 thousand people. In the east, the oblast borders with Eastern Kazakhstan, Issyk-Kul, Naryn, and Osh Oblasts of Kyrgyzstan and the Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast of Tajikistan. Kyzyl-Suu Kyrgyz Autonomous Oblast consists of four Oodans (administrative-territorial unit). The center of the oblast is Artysh town and its suburban areas are considered a separate county. About 200 thousand people live there. In addition, 200 thousand people live in Aktoo district, 50 thousand people live Akchy district and there is also Uluu Chat district. Currently 165 thousand people live there. In Kyrgyzstan, such areas are called regions. Akim (head) of the county is Syiar Kalen uulu, who has been serving for the third year in this position.
Chinese government calls for poverty elimination in 2020
The economic development of China over the past 5-6 years, along with all 56 national minorities, has also brought major changes in the life of the Kyrgyz people living in China. The new policy of the state, launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping, aiming to eradicate poverty as soon as possible, prioritizes taking care of the people.
Syiar Kalen uulu told Kabar Agency that the country's authorities assigned the leadership of provinces, regions and counties to take serious measures on the ground so that until 2020 there is not a single poor person among the population left. The assigned tasks were accompanied by material and financial support from the leadership and today the people have already begun to feel its results.
"We were the first in the country to fulfill the task of the central government to bring the population out of poverty before 2020. According to the task it was necessary to solve five problems for the people. First, the solution to housing problems. This means the construction of houses, where each citizen was supposed to have at least 25 square meters of housing. These houses should be built in such a way that they could withstand an 8.5 magnitude earthquake. Second, clean drinking water should be provided every home. Third, houses should be provided with electricity around the clock. Fourth, full gas supply. Fifth, schools should be built not far from 20 minutes driving by car from the place of residence. These were primary tasks and we completed them in 2018. Now we are waiting for a big commission. It will check, and make sure that the people are really lifted out of poverty and set further tasks," the district akim said.
The budget of the region currently makes 52 million yuan. Of these, 47 million yuan is provided from the state budget of China, the region earns the remaining 5 million yuan.
If to compare with Kyrgyzstan, then having the same population as Kochkor region of Naryn oblast, Uluuchat district has a budget in the amount of 520 million Kyrgyz soms, and 50 million of them are earned by them.
Development of local economy related to customs points
It is worth noting that the oblast is rich in mineral resources, such as gas, gold, and all of them are developed. This opened up the possibility of accumulating funds in the county. In addition, if there are two customs points on the border between Kyrgyzstan and China - Irkeshtam and Torugart, both of them are located in this area. The largest district is Uluu Chat, located at a distance of 130 kilometers from Irkeshtam, and 150 kilometers from Torugart. Trucks plying in both directions through the villages provide the local population with everything they need. Therefore, many people see the benefits of the work of the customs post, and some have even managed to start in life.
Mr. Syiar also told that every cattleman living in the mountains, in Uluu Chat is not only provided with an apartment, but also received commercial premises of 40 square meters on the first floors of the houses they received.
The number of representatives of the younger generation, who master the trade, is increasing. And those who could not trade, give premises for rent, thus providing a source for income. The akim said that currently there is one car in each house. Those who work in government work, for example, doctors and teachers receive 6-7 thousand yuan. It is USD 1 thousand. Such couples working in government agencies have one car each. So, the standard of living is improved, and the quality of life is higher.
Lifting from poverty is not limited to the implementation of the above five tasks. The time has come to solve the tasks of universal education, the development of the sphere of culture, the provision of necessary infrastructure in villages in order to take the people to the next stage of development. Local authorities showed successful objects and told about their achievements.
The Chinese government creates conditions for the protection of traditional medicine.
Traditional medicine clinics in Kyrgyzstan not only forget the ancient Kyrgyz methods of treatment, but do not even recognize healers. The building of the regional hospital of traditional medicine in Artysh consists of nine floors, and not only locals come there for treatment, but also the number of visitors from abroad is increasing. This clinic works for the fourth year. Here, doctors apply treatment methods based on those methods that have traditionally been used by Kyrgyz who have proven their effectiveness.
They found more than 2 thousand grass types in the mountains where the Kyrgyz live, and they treat patients under their own control. Also in the building, in order not to forget the teachings of the ancestors, they organized an exhibition of historical healing tools, medicinal substances obtained from animals and birds, and dried medicinal herbs.
The polyclinic of traditional medicine is supported by the state and all the conditions have been created for receiving free treatment. The number of seriously ill patients who come from other countries is growing. The fact that traditional medicine helps, that its methods are effective proves the example of the polyclinic in Artysh.
Vocational education helps youth to be employed
It is seen that the younger generation of the Kyzyl-Suu Oblast receive education and upbringing according to the requirements of the time, and use their knowledge in their life.
This year it turns 6 years since a special vocational school in Artysh has started working. The number of students exceeds 5 thousand people. The term of study is 3 years. Graduates receive several specialties and will be able to work there at local enterprises. Due to the fact that craftsmanship is very developed, students master the art of sayma, felting kiyiz (felt carpet), sewing various types of clothing, playing komuz, creating parts of a yurt, various souvenirs, and even earn money by fulfilling orders.
The school has several separate buildings. 3,000 students live in hostels. These are mostly children of herdsmen living far away in the mountains. The doors to higher educational institutions are open for capable, talented young people, conditions for creative young professionals are also created.
Such young talents become members of creative groups of the regional cultural center, participate in various cultural events, and in concerts organized in honor of foreign guests.
The cultural center itself was erected in the form of a large yurt, an exhibition devoted to life of the Kyrgyz was organized at the entrance. The exhibition attracts the attention of guests to the life of the Kyrgyz. It shows the interior of the yurt, Kyrgyz items, clothing, utensils and tools.
The concert room is spacious, all the conditions are created for the artists. Among the singers, dancers are not only artists known in Xinjiang, but also in entire China.
Happy life from the mountains to the plains
The difference of UluuChat from other cities is a memorial complex called "Manas and its 40 choro" (warriors). Its feature is not only in the skill of the sculptor or in the scale of the monument. Its peculiarity is Manas in the center, on its two sides, Bakai Ata and Almanbet, and 40 choro standing in a row, and the name of each choro is carved under each of them. Akim Syiar said that the names of the choro were deeply researched and only after that were written.
Another feature of the complex, in the inscription, which contains the words of the Chinese leader Xi Jinping about the national hero of the Kyrgyz Manas.
Generally speaking, one can say that comparing with what was 5-6 years ago, the life of the Kyrgyz has changed a lot as an example to others. The people are grateful to the conditions created by the government and openly say words of gratitude to the government.
People almost do no talk about politics. One can see with own eyes that for the Kyrgyz who descended from the mountains into the plains and live peacefully, their past life remained in history. Proof of this, the words of the Aksakals, who have lived all their lives in the mountains, about the unwillingness to return to the mountains.
Kabar News Agency

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