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KOICA to launch 4 projects in Kyrgyzstan



July 18, 2019, 14:38       Источник       Комментарии

Bishkek, July 18, 2019 / Kabar /.In the near future, the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) intends to launch another 4 projects in Kyrgyzstan worth USD 20.5 million, Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Mukhammedkalyi Abylgaziev said following talks with South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon, who is on an official visit in Bishkek.
He said that they also discussed issues related to the support of the Korean side in the implementation of digital technologies and support for the regions of Kyrgyzstan. "In this regard, I would like to thank the Korean side, including the Korean agency KOICA, for their intention to allocate a grant for the modernization of electronic public services through the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction "Tunduk". In addition, today we are planning to officially open another important joint project for the development of regions of Kyrgyzstan through KOICA. This is the project "My Village", which at one time gave a significant impetus to the development and was the mainstay of all of South Korea," said Abylgaziev.
The head of government expressed high hopes for its implementation, the project is aimed at the development of regions.
"In general, I would like to especially emphasize that the Korean International Cooperation Agency is a reliable partner of Kyrgyzstan. Since 1995, KOICA has been actively supporting Kyrgyzstan in such areas as public administration, agriculture and rural development, education and health care. In the near future, KOICA intends to launch 4 more projects worth USD 20.5 million. In turn, we are immensely grateful to the Korean side for the provided assistance," he stressed.
The Kyrgyz prime minister noted that today the sides also initialed another agreement providing for strengthening the activities of this agency in the Kyrgyz Republic. Kyrgyzstan will do everything to ensure that the agency can work in Kyrgyzstan in comfortable conditions.

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