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Jeenbekov meets with heads of delegations of EAEU Intergovernmental Council




August 9, 2019, 15:25       Источник       Комментарии 1

Bishkek, Aug.9, 2019. /Kabar/. Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov met with heads of delegations of the Eurasian Economic Union Intergovernmental Council in Choplon-Ata town, Issuk-Kul Oblast.
The Kyrgyz leader welcomed the heads of government and congratulated everyone on the 5 anniversary of the signing of the Union’s Treaty and the 25th anniversary of the idea of Eurasian integration, his press service reported.
"During this time, the Union has become a strong and effective integration association. Measures are being taken together to implement freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labour. The volume of mutual and foreign trade is gradually increasing. GDP growth in 2018 in the Union as a whole amounted to 2.5%," said Jeenbekov.
He stressed that the Union's international activities have become attractive in the world arena. Trade and economic relations and geographical map of cooperation are expanding. Agreements have been signed with China and Iran. The free trade zone with Vietnam is functioning effectively. Negotiations with Israel, Singapore, Serbia, India and Egypt are actively underway. Memorandums of cooperation have been signed with a number of major regional associations.
The EAEU is at an important stage of historical development. There is importance to focus on further strengthening of integration ties, removal of barriers and creation of favorable conditions for business, as well as financial institutions, aimed at leveling economies.
The Kyrgyz President stressed that the Eurasian Industrial Cooperation Network project will lead to the use of raw materials and products, manufactured within the Union. The implementation of the Agreement on the Labeling of Goods of the Union has already proved its effectiveness in combating smuggling.
Jeenbekov noted the agenda of the meeting is rich and relevant. Decisions taken today will give an additional impetus to the practical implementation of the EAEU goals.
Speaking on behalf of the EAEU heads of government, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev expressed gratitude for the invitation, organization and holding of the Intergovernmental Council on the bank of Issyk-Kul Lake.
"In the 5 years of the EAEU existence, we have achieved some successes. Administrative barriers are being reduced, and obstacles to doing business and communicating with people are disappearing. The countries of the Union are already acting in the global competitive field as a whole," Medvedev said.
President Jeenbekov wished the meeting participants productive work for the benefit of the development and strengthening of the Union, as well as a pleasant stay in Issyk-Kul.

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