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Solton-Sary deposit development protesters remove yurts on Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart road



August 10, 2019, 10:00       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - The protesters against development of the Solton-Sary gold deposit have removed the yurts they set up along the Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart road and went home, Turmush reports. The yurts were put up near Kara-Chiy village, Naryn district. The decision was made to include 5 representatives of each village into the commission, which will further work on the Solton-Sary deposit development issues.
The yurts were removed in the evening of August 9. Such decision was made after the meeting with Naryn region governor Amanbai Kaipov and Naryn district governor Semetei Cherikbaev.
The protesters earlier prepared the appeal to the President, Prime Minister and Parliament, in which they demand suspension of the development of the Solton-Sary gold deposit by the Chinese company and recall of the license for the mine development. They also demand to suspend development of gold fields by other companies, which were issued licenses without prior consultation with locals. Another demand is declaration of the moratorium on development of gold mines in Naryn region. They demand to hold accountable persons who beat Naryn district residents on August 2, to hold accountable the company workers for throwing stones into the villagers on August 5.
They want to listen responses to their demands at the meeting, where they will send their delegates.

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