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Deputy PM Razakov monitors automated information systems




August 21, 2019, 10:50       Источник       Комментарии

Bishkek, Aug.21, 2019. /Kabar/. Deputy Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Jenish Razakov monitored the Safe City and the Unified Register of Violations (URV) automated information systems
The main purpose of the monitoring was the full implementation of the Code of violations within the framework of the Unified Register of Violations, as well as the integration of the Safe City automated information system into the URV.
In the course of the retreat, the deputy prime minister was presented with information on the interaction of state bodies within the framework of the Unified Register of Violations.
According to the data of the Kyrgyz Internal Ministry, over 267 thousand protocols were registered in the URV system in the first 8 months of 2019; fines amounting to over KGS 426 million were accrued.
Razakov noted the need to further improve the URV system and instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs to integrate the Safe City system into the URV within a week.
Deputy PM Razakov also visited the Monitoring Center of the General Directorate of Road Safety of the Internal Ministry.
In Bishkek, where cameras and video recordings are installed, the number of accidents decreased by 52%, and the number of people who suffered various injuries also decreased. In Chui Oblast, the number of accidents at the installation sites of hardware and software complexes decreased to 70%.
The deputy prime minister gave a number of instructions to the relevant state bodies to ensure the quality and timely implementation of the second stage of the Safe City project.
He also called on the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ensure quality service to the population in case of disputes, related to the registration of traffic violations as part of the safe City project.

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