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98% of Batken Oblast schools to be provided with Internet in 2019



August 22, 2019, 13:45       Источник       Комментарии

Bishkek, Aug. 22, 2019 / Kabar /. 98% of schools in Batken Oblast will be provided with Internet in 2019, Akram Madumarov, told reporters at Kabar News Agency.
He said that there are 244 schools in Batken Oblast, 211 schools of which are provided with the Internet.
"12 schools in remote villages are not yet provided, but by the end of the year we will complete the work to provide the Internet. However, due to the lack of technical equipment, 2 schools will not be equipped with the Internet this year," he said.
In addition, speaking about the education system, Madumarov noted that Batken Oblast is ranked second, after Bishkek, in the number of gold medalists.
"We have 8 students who have won gold certificates. Another 24 students received the Altyn Tamga certificate from the Ministry of Education and Science. These indicators are higher than all regions of the country. We have great potential," he added.
At the same time, Akram Madumarov said that in Batken Oblast there is a problem with a shortage of doctors.
"We need in 58 doctors. Now we want to send the inhabitants of the region to study at the medical faculties so that they return and work here. We are working in this direction with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education," he added.

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