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Batken Oblast develops actively winter tourism – governor




August 22, 2019, 12:44       Источник       Комментарии

Bishkek, Aug.22, 2019. /Kabar/. Batken Oblast is actively developing tourism, including winter tourism, Governor Akram Madumarov said at the press conference, held at Kabar News Agency.
He noted that the opening of the borders with Uzbekistan over the past two years has increased passenger traffic to Batken Oblast.
"This year, more than 200 thousand residents of the Fergana Valley and Shohimardon enclave visited our oblast," he said.
Madumarov said that there are many attractive places for tourists in Batken Oblast, including the main attraction – the Aigul flower.
"We're working to develop tourism. The most important thing for the development of tourism is stability, safety and human resources. As for infrastructure, we have the best roads. We are working on the construction of the Kok-Tala-Karavan road," he added.
Governor Madumarov said there are two airports in the oblast, in Batken and Isfana.
In addition, he said Kadamjay region has good natural conditions for the development of ski tourism.
"We are working in this direction," the governor of Batken Oblast added.
The scientific name of Aigul flower is Fritillaria eduardii. Its peculiarity is that it does not grow on the sunny side of the mountains. Aigul blossoms only 15-20 days in April.
Aigul grows only in a certain territory - only in Kyrgyzstan on the Turkestan ridge. It is a very rare plant and that is why it has received the status of a protected species.

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