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Kazakhstan lacks experienced rescue helicopter pilots


Фотографии: akipress.kg

August 26, 2019, 17:14       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Sergey Korolkov, a pilot who drove the helicopter during the recent resue operation of Kazakh alpinists missing in the Tian Shan mountains, said these search operations were more difficult, the Channel One Eurasia reports.
The pilot with 43-years of experience says it was very responsible flight because the aircraft was flying very high to provide a thorough search for rescuers.
"The altitude was very high - 6,000 meters and higher. They had to examine this site thoroughly. And of course, not nearing to the Victory peak, as it could trigger an artificial avalanche, which may affect the behavior of the pilot," Korolkov noted.
The emergency situations committee of the Interior Ministry of Kazakhstan this year managed to rescue several alpinists from Russia. They were trapped in the altitude of more than 4,000 meters. Everything went successful then, according to him.
In the case of Kazakh alpinists, everything was difficult. Unfortunately, the operation was stopped not finding the people. The pilot said in future if the same situation happens, there will no pilots who would drive the helicopter, because now there are only 3-4 pilots with with enough experience in the country, Korolkov noted.
There is a shortage of pilots in Kazakhstan, who can fly on high altitudes, according to him.
The search operation of missing alpinists from Kazakhstan in the Tian Shan mountains has been stopped on August 23.
Three alpinists from Kazakhstan started expedition to the hardest seven-thousandth peak of Victory on August 4.They are Alexandr Chechulin, Murat Otepbayev and Andrey Korneyev, alpinists with a huge experience of ascension.
Chechulin on August 15 got sick and they decided to come down on the route. On the way back to the camp, the alpinists were trapped in the avalanche and lost part of their equipment. August 15 was a day, when they last reached out.
The alpinists said that Chechulin died. His body was left at the height of 6,900 meters. Andrey and Murat continued their way down.
Relatives of the alpinists sought help from the rescue services of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
The Kyrgyz helicopter overflew the Victory peak, but they did not find the group of alpinists.

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