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Results of mass harvesting in Kyrgyz Republic




August 29, 2019, 12:42       Источник       Комментарии

Bishkek, Aug.29, 2019. /Kabar/. At Kabar News Agency Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Food Industry and Reclamation of the Kyrgyz Republic Janybek kerimaliyev told about the results of the mass harvesting in the country.
He reminded that by the order of the Government, this year the state support of peasants and farmers was provided, which included purchase and distribution of food grain of wheat in the amount of 15 thousand tons. "The distribution was made by oblasts and regions," he said.
Currently, the mass harvesting of grain crops, corn, legumes, oilseeds, potatoes, vegetables and melons is in progress. The official said this year 336 thousand hectares of leguminous crops were harvested, it’s made 54.7% of the total. Gross harvest in bunker weight amounted to 885.6 thousand tons.
Of them:
- 300 thousand tons of potatoes were dug up from the area of 16.6 thousand hectares, the average yield is 180.5 c/ha. The highest indicators are observed in Nooken and Ala-Buka regions of Jalal-Abad Oblast and Aravan region, Osh Oblast.
- Vegetable and melon crops amounted to 505.2 thousand tons and 187.2 thousand tons. The best results are in Nooken region, where vegetable growers and melon growers received 351 c/ha and 361 c/ha from each hectare.
- Gross harvest of grain crops amounted to 900 thousand tons. It was harvested 406.7 thousand tons of barley, 504.8 tons of wheat from an area of 185.5 thousand hectares. The average yield of grain crops is (according to preliminary data) 26.5 c/ha. The highest indicators are in Jalal-Abad and Talas Oblasts.
- Corn for grain was harvested from the area of 10 thousand hectares, received 70.0 thousand tons.
- Legumes from the area of 2.1 thousand hectares - 4.3 thousand tons.
- Oil crops with the area of 7.1 thousand hectares, the average yield was 18.9 c/ha.
Kerimaliyev added the pace of cleaning work this year is much higher due to favorable weather conditions in spring.
In total, 558 harvesting combines are involved in the harvesting in the country.

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