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There are 103.1 thsd unemployed in Kyrgyzstan: Labour Ministry


Фотографии: kabar.kg


September 5, 2019, 13:43       Источник kabar.kg       Комментарии

Bishkek, Sept.5, 2019. /Kabar/. About 103.1 people in Kyrgyzstan are out of work, the official unemployment rate is 3.3%, State Secretary of the Ministry of Social Development Kanybek Abdiyev told reporters at Kabar Agency.
According to his data, 14 thousand 379 people have been employed since the beginning of the year.
Nargiza Turkebekova, chief specialist of the Employment Department, said with the growing unemployment rate and lack of jobs, the priority is to train the unemployed.
"4 thousand 431 unemployed people were sent for vocational training. Training of unemployed citizens was conducted mainly in professions that are in demand in the labor market. They are a gas and electric welder, hairdresser, computer operator, accountant, cook, seamstress, tailor, manager, electrician and driver," she concluded.

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