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Tajik Deputy Prime Minister: Negotiations with Kyrgyzstan over border dragged on

September 18, 2019, 11:50       Источник       Комментарии

"Unfortunately, negotiations over the Kyrgyz-Tajik border have dragged on, more than a half is to be delimited," the Deputy Prime Minister of Tajikistan Azim Ibrokhim said in an interview with Ozodi Radio.
According to him, an investigation of the conflict on the Tajik-Kyrgyz border has begun, which led to human casualties from both sides. He assessed the situation as stable.
"There were no new conflicts. We are for peace and stability. No one wants people to die or get injured. We are making every effort to sort out the situation and the people to return to their usual lives," said Azim Ibrokhim.
He told reporters that it was not yet known from whose side the people were killed and by what kind of weapon. "An investigation into the incident has begun. Both sides must be prepared for it. Everything possible needs to be done to punish the perpetrators in accordance with the laws of each country," said the Deputy Prime Minister.
We hope that those guilty will be punished. Otherwise, impunity will lead to another crime. We want the two countries to have unified position on this issue.
Deputy Prime Minister of Tajikistan Azim Ibrokhim
Touching upon the problem of border conflicts with Kyrgyzstan, the Deputy Prime Minister stressed that it had long-standing roots. They persist not one-two years, but for decades. At the same time, Azim Ibrokhim drew attention to the fact that sometimes, the information in the media does not reflect all reality.
"This is a very sensitive issue. Hasty messages, publication of opinions of people who do not have complete information - all this is not in favor of materials on such a topic. I would trust documents, photos and videos. But one thing is important for us - in order the people to peacefully live in the border region, go to visit each other, make friends, as it was before. All these issues can be resolved, time is needed. For the most part, we have come to an agreement. It is important for us that no one gets a scratch during this process," concluded Azim Ibrokhim.
Recall, a shootout occurred on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border on September 16. One Kyrgyz serviceman died, 13 were injured, including a teenager. Tajik authorities report about 12 injured citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan and 3 dead.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan handed a note of protest to the Ambassador of Tajikistan to the Kyrgyz Republic Sukhrob Olimzoda the day before. In addition, negotiations between the Prime Ministers of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan were held on resolving the conflict in border area.

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