September 19, 2019, 10:12
AKIPRESS.COM - Jazy-Kechuu village located in Bazar-Korgon district of Jalal-Abad region has never had electricity supply, Turmush correspondent reports.
The village is located some 110 km from the district center and is home to 140 households, the population is 600 people.
The village has 1 school and village first-aid station. In winter, which lasts 6 months a year, the snow height can reach 3 meters.
The only school in the village was built in 2018. It can enroll up to 100 schoolchildren, but currently 57 children study there and 11 teacher work.
Because the village has never had electricity, the school staff use the iron bell that the local blacksmith made. They have been using it for over 40 years.
This year, the school shifted to 9-grade education.
Teachers from this school said their children have never attended any Olympiads, neither have taken the national test.