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Head of State Border Service about negotiations: It was difficult

September 19, 2019, 14:43       Источник       Комментарии

Parliament of Kyrgyzstan hears a report of the Prime Minister about the conflict on disputed section of Kyrgyz-Tajik border in Leilek district of Batken region.
The Chairman of the State Border Service of the Kyrgyz Republic Ularbek Sharsheev told reporters during a break how the talks between the border agencies of the two countries, prime ministers and deputy prime ministers ended the day before.
"The negotiations were very difficult. But the parties agreed that it was necessary to return to original positions, that is, to the state before September 14, when no work had been carried out. We agreed to withdraw additional forces that arrived to reinforce the border line, to ensure security in the normal mode, to organize joint patrols by law enforcement officers, internal affairs departments of Batken and Sughd regions," said Ularbek Sharsheev.
The head of the State Border Service of the Kyrgyz Republic admitted that there was unauthorized construction on both sides: from Kyrgyz side - at Dacha border post, from Tajik - at five sites.
"But the Tajiks began construction first, and then we," added Ularbek Sharsheev and noted that the illegal construction in disputed territory near the border was the cause of the conflict.
He added that in order to strengthen friendship it was decided to regularly hold sports events on the football field, which became the cause of the dispute.
"We expressed the leadership of our states a request to intensify work of the commission on delimitation and demarcation of the border. As of today, 56 percent of the border area is described. There are most difficult disputed areas left," said Ularbek Sharsheev.
Recall, a shootout occurred on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border on September 16. One Kyrgyz serviceman died, 13 were injured, including a teenager. Tajik authorities report about 12 injured citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan and 3 dead.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan handed a note of protest to the Ambassador of Tajikistan to the Kyrgyz Republic Sukhrob Olimzoda. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan also handed a note of protest to the Kyrgyz side in response.
Negotiations between the Prime Ministers of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to resolve the conflict were held in the border area.

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