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Kyrgyzstan is one of the Top-20 reformers in Doing Business 2020



September 30, 2019, 15:53       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Kyrgyzstan is one of the Top-20 improvers in the World Bank's ranking Doing Business 2020, Kyrgyz government said.
The Kyrgyz Republic improved in the areas of getting electricity, getting credit and paying taxes. The electricity utility improved the reliability of power supply by enhancing the monitoring of outages and modernizing its infrastructure to reduce power outages. ISHENIM, the credit bureau, began offering a consumer credit scoring system to banks and other financial institutions to inform their lending decisions. The Kyrgyz Republic made paying taxes easier by consolidating the tax on interest income into the corporate income tax and by introducing an online platform for filing and paying taxes.
Top-20 economies are selected based on the number of reforms and on how much their ease of doing business score improved. First, Doing Business selects the economies that implemented reforms making it easier to do business in three or more of the 10 areas included in this year's aggregate ease of doing business score. Regulatory changes making it more difficult to do business are subtracted from the number of those making it easier. Second, Doing Business sorts these economies on the increase in their ease of doing business score due to reforms from the previous year (the impact due to changes in income per capita and the lending rate is excluded). The improvement in their score is calculated not by using the data published in 2018 but by using comparable data that capture data revisions and methodology changes when applicable. The choice of the most improved economies is determined by the largest improvements in the ease of doing business score among those with at least three reforms.

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