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Trade Union Law. EU Delegation monitors situation

October 3, 2019, 13:33       Источник       Комментарии

The Delegation of the European Union to the Kyrgyz Republic closely monitors and evaluates the situation surrounding adoption of a new version of the Law on Trade Unions. Press service of the EU Delegation reported.
The EU recalled that GSP + status is given to countries that have ratified and effectively implement 27 international conventions. This includes documents related to the basic human rights - to work and freedom of assembly, as well as creation of associations.
"After a state obtains GSP + status, the EU constantly monitors compliance by the beneficiary country with its obligations and implementation of these conventions. We are aware that the International Labor Organization considers the draft law on trade unions in its current form incompatible with a number of the mentioned conventions," the EU Delegation stressed.
Recall, the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan considered in the second reading and sent a bill on trade unions to the vote. The trade unions themselves strongly oppose this document.
"It grossly violates the conventions of the International Labor Organization No. 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Unionization and 98 on Application of Principles of the Right to Unionization and Collective Negotiations. This directly affects holding of GSP + status by Kyrgyzstan. And this issue is considered by the European Union annually," Eldar Tadzhibaev, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Mining and Metallurgical Union, said earlier.

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