October 21, 2019, 13:20
Источник akipress.kg
AKIPRESS.COM - Ms. Carla Grasso, Deputy Managing Director and Chief Administrative Officer of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), announced on October 18 that the IMF will locate a new regional technical assistance center (RTAC) in Almaty, the IMF reported.
The center will provide capacity development (CD) services to nine member countries in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia (CCAM) region. Work is expected to cover fiscal policy, central bank operations, financial sector supervision, and macroeconomic statistics. CCAM RTAC is expected to begin operations in about one year.
"We are very excited about this new platform for engagement with member countries in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia-an important area at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. CCAM countries have made impressive progress in developing and implementing policies and institutions over the past 25 years, but more remains to be done to strengthen capacity and results. We look forward to an enhanced IMF presence in the region, in cooperation with the nine countries and other stakeholders.
"The location selection was based on a request and evaluation of proposals covering numerous areas, including financial support, flight connectivity, and wide-ranging administrative and logistical areas. We to thank the authorities in Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan for their excellent proposals to host the center," Ms Grasso said.
CCAM RTAC is expected to become the focal point for planning, coordinating, and implementing IMF CD activities in the region. Other member countries and agencies from outside the region are expected to support the center, which will build on the experience of other IMF Regional Technical Assistance Centers and Training Centers worldwide. The RTAC is expected to start operations in a year.
The initiative demonstrates a shared commitment between the IMF and its membership in using TA and training as vehicles for economic stability and inclusive growth.