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Rosselkhoznadzor changes terms of transit of Belarusian goods through Russia to Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan

October 30, 2019, 9:51       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - From 30 October 2019, Russian food watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor changes the terms of transit of Belarusian controlled goods through the territory of the Russian Federation to Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.
The transportation of controlled goods will be carried out only after the state veterinary services of Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan confirm their intention to accept the products.
The rule is for the following Belarusian companies: Agromission Trade, CHTUP Bioram, LLC Useful Beef, as well as the OJSC Volkovyskiy Meat Processing Plant, which acts as a sender of products to Kazakh recipients.
The move came after the Rosselkhoznadzor revealed unauthorized delivery of Belarusian products to the Russian market by the above-mentioned companies through a scheme of false transit to Kazakhstan.

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