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Healthcare employees obliged to undergo STD testing over gay doctor scandal



November 4, 2019, 11:52       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Turkmenistan's Ministry of Healthcare and Medical Industry is now being concerned with identifying individuals with non-heterosexual sexual orientation among healthcare practitioners following the incident with a cardiologist, who made his sexual orientation public. The meetings were held in all regional healthcare departments with "the doctor who discredited our profession with improper conduct" being the only item on the agenda, Chronicles of Turkmenistan reports.
One of the meetings was held on 28 October in the healthcare department of Turkmenabad and in Mary district. The heads of the district's medical institutions were invited to attend the meeting.
The Ashgabat authorities issued the instructions to identify gays and lesbians among medical doctors.
The decision was eventually made to conduct STD testing among all healthcare practitioners ranging from hospital attendants to chief physicians of the municipal public health authority. Moreover, the timetable indicating the dates of the medical checks for each medical institution was drafted.
The medical examination fee is 270 manats, which needs to be covered by healthcare practitioners themselves.
The employees of rural outpatient clinics were obliged to do medical checks among residents aged 14 to 50, who are assigned to the clinics.
The police officer said at the meeting that residents need to submit reports to the police in case they are familiar with any gays or lesbians and warned about criminal charges for failure to report the crime.
On 21 October, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty published narrative by a gay man in which he came out reported the problems he faced in Turkmenistan. His name had been changed for reasons of security, but based on the details in the article, the law enforcement officers managed to establish identity of the young man.
On 24 October, 24 y.o. cardiologist Kasymberdy Garayev was summoned to the police station and has been held incommunicado since then.

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