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OSCE helps strengthen human rights approach in criminal proceedings in Kyrgyzstan



December 4, 2019, 16:49       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Following the results of trial monitoring conducted by civil society in Kyrgyzstan, a round table on strengthening a human rights-oriented approach of investigating judges in criminal proceedings took place in Bishkek on 29 November. The event was facilitated by the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek. The new role of investigating judges was introduced in the criminal justice legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and entered into force in early 2019. The investigating judge ensures proper application of human rights standards during the pre-trial phase of criminal proceedings.
The round table discussed the results of the trial monitoring conducted throughout 2019, including verification that detention procedures complied with international standards of fair trial and the criminal legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Based on the presented results, investigating judges, prosecutors, attorneys and civil society representatives were able to provide recommendations on strengthening the human rights-oriented role of investigating judges at the pre-trial stage of criminal proceedings.
The meeting gathered over 70 representatives from the supreme court, local courts, National Parliament, Presidential Administration and the Expert Working Group on the Judicial and Legal Reform, Prosecutor General's Office, Office of the Ombudsman, National Bar association, civil society, academia, and international organizations.
The five-month long trial monitored 458 court proceedings that took place across all provinces of Kyrgyzstan and was conducted by the Association of NGOs "Human Rights Advocacy Center", with the support of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek.

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