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Man died of TB in Tajikistan, his family members quarantined at hospital



April 14, 2020, 15:07       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - A resident of Shakhristan district died in a TB hospital on April 11 in Sughd region, his relatives were quarantined, Asia-Plus reported.
This information was confirmed by Sughd region healthcare department vice chairman Maruf Hojiboev.
The man was insulin-dependent, the official said.
"He was taken to the hospital on April 8. He felt unwell after visit to the sauna and visited the Shakhristan district hospital. He was told there that he was fine. He returned home and still felt unwell. Then he visited the regional hospital, where he was X-rayed and TB was found," Hojiboev said.
The patient was taken to a TB hospital, where he died.
"His family members were quarantined at the infectious disease hospital, they are under medical observation," the official stated.
He added 1,206 people are held in quarantine facilities in Sughd region as of April 14. Coronavirus infection was not registered.
On April 12, a medical worker of the hospital in Bokhtar died of tuberculosis. Citizens of Tajikistan are quarantined at this hospital after their return from abroad.
Tajikistan has not confirmed a single COVID-19 case so far.

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