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Three more border area quarantine zones to be built in Turkmenistan


Фотографии: akipress.kg

June 8, 2020, 16:51       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Turkmenistan hosted a briefing bringing together representatives of international organizations, foreign diplomats, Turkmen officials and journalists to discuss the action plan to combat the spread of coronavirus, according to the Chronicles of Turkmenistan. The Foreign Ministry does not provide a detailed coverage of the meeting and gives only an overview of topics on the agenda.
However, the Turkish news agency Anadolu, with reference to the statement made by Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov, reported that on 1 June, 2020 Turkmenistan launched the construction of a quarantine centre along its border with Uzbekistan and two more centres are scheduled to be built on the borders with Iran and Kazakhstan.
In April, 2020 Turkmenistan said that three quarantine zones had been built in Turkmenabad, Turkmenbashi and Karabogaz.
Minister of Healthcare Nurmukhammet Amannepesov said Turkmenistan is collaborating with the WHO Ashgabat office and is prepared to undertake urgent measures if needed. According to the Minister, there is a sufficient supply of tests and equipment in laboratories and "health check-up stations" for residents are available across Turkmenistan.
Turkmenistan still insists there are no confirmed coronavirus cases in the country.
In early June, after waiting for a month and a half, Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe stated that the visit of the WHO mission to Turkmenistan had been finally agreed and experts were scheduled to visit Turkmenistan in the next two weeks.

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