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Government of Taiwan donates 200,000 face masks to Mongolia



June 10, 2020, 14:25       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Government of Taiwan has donated 200,000 face masks to support Mongolia's fight against COVID-19 pandemic. In his speech during the handover ceremony, Director of National Center for Communicable Diseases (NCCD) Dulmaa Nyamkhuu said "Face masks are the most important and effective means of preventing diseases. COVID-19 is transmitted through respiratory droplets, so it is extremely risky for the people to not wear a mask." He also thanked the Representative Office of Taiwan for its concern for the health and safety of doctors and staff who are working in the front line, Montsame reports.
Grace Lo, Representative of Taiwan to Mongolia, said, "The Governments of Taiwan and Mongolia are working very effectively in combating communicable diseases. Taiwan has the capacity to produce up to two million face masks a day and in February this year, the Government of Taiwan and the private sector joined forces and established the National Mask Producing Team. As a result, 90 new mask production lines have been opened, producing 20 million face masks per day. Taiwan is the world's second-largest producer of face masks, and in April, the country began to donate masks to countries in dire need. We hope that these masks will help protect the health and safety of doctors and staff."
As of June 7, Taiwan has successfully overcome the fourth latent phase of the COVID-19, and no cases have been reported in Taiwan for 56 consecutive days.

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