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Foreign Minister Aidarbekov holds virtual meeting with UN Secretary-General's Designate for Covid-19 Response and Recovery Fund


Фотографии: akipress.kg

August 5, 2020, 9:39       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Foreign Minister Chingiz Aidarbekov held a virtual meeting with UN Secretary-General's Designate for COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund Jens Wandel. The meeting was also attended by UN Resident Coordinator Ozonnia Ojielo.
Foreign Minister Aidarbekov welcomed establishment of the Covid-19 Response and Recovery Fund, which is aimed to support low- and middle-income countries to respond to the pandemic and its impacts, including an unprecedented socio-economic shock.
Aidarbekov noted resurgence in coronavirus cases in Kyrgyzstan, efforts made to stabilize epidemiological situation, fulfillment of social obligations, recovery of the national economy. He noted importance of possible assistance of Covid-19 Response and Recovery Fund in that.
The Foreign Minister noted successful cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and UN agencies in coronavirus fight. Particularly, Kyrgyzstan received financial assistance in response to request of President Sooronbai Jeenbekov addressed to UN Secretary-General António Guterres in May 2020.
Jens Wandel noted the efforts of the Kyrgyz government in containment of coronavirus and spoke for development of international cooperation in this area. He expressed readiness to continue a joint work in support of measures aimed to support Covid-19 response. The inquiry will be sent to the UN Resident Coordinator in the Kyrgyz Republic in the neares time to identify the country needs for consideration of possible financing.

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