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Kyrgyzstan reports 275 new cases of coronavirus on October 9



October 9, 2020, 10:51       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - 275 cases of coronavirus were confirmed in the morning of October 9 in Kyrgyzstan, the nationwide operative team for coronavirus response reports on October 9.
Batken region reported 74 new cases, Osh region - 49, Jalal-Abad region - 47, Bishkek - 40, Chui region - 28, Osh city - 25, Issyk-Kul region - 10, Talas region - 2. In total since March, 48 617 cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed in Kyrgyzstan.
140 people recovered from the coronavirus in Kyrgyzstan within the past day. Total number of the recoveries reached 44 097.
4 people died due to COVID-19 within the past day. Death toll from coronavirus reached 1 077 in Kyrgyzstan since the beginning of the pandemic.
Coronavirus is on the rise in Kyrgyzstan, Deputy Health Minister Nurbolot Usenbayev said on October 8. Health Minister Sabirjan Abdikarimov raised alarm during the press conference in Bishkek on October 8 over the current situation with the growth in coronavirus infections. Two-week spike in coronavirus cases made 154% in Kyrgyzstan, he said.

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