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Central Asian Presidents make joint statement on situation in Kyrgyzstan



October 9, 2020, 15:50       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - The Presidents of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have made a joint statement on the situation in Kyrgyzstan. The statement was published on the Akorda website. "The recent developments in fraternal Kyrgyzstan arouse our serious concerns.
We, like close neighbors, who are bound with centries-old ties of friendship, good neighborhood, common cultural and spiritual values, call upon people of Kyrgyzstan in this difficult days to demonstrate their wisdom for the sake of preservation of peace and restoration of stability in the country.
We hope all political parties and public circles in Kyrgyzstan will make all necessary efforts to restore peace and tranquility, to solve arising issues in strict adherence to the Constitution and the national legislation.
Well-being of Kyrgyzstan is an important factor of regional security and sustainable development of whole Central Asia.
Our countries have common past and are building common future. The Central Asian nations are historically bound with strive for solid peace, accord and creation for the benefit of next generations.
Sharing common goals, our states actively strengthen regional cooperation in expansion of trade, economic, investment, transport, communication, cultural and humanitarian ties, cross-border and cross-region cooperation.
Moving towards further strengthening of Central Asian solidarity, we will always support people of Kyrgyzstan in their strive for unity, peaceful, independent development and prosperity," the statement concluded.

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