October 28, 2020, 15:33
Источник akipress.kg
AKIPRESS.COM - Acting mayor of Bishkek Balbak Tulobaev met with protesters rallying outside his office with the demand to reinstate two vice mayors dismissed by him yesterday. Alimbek Abdyldaev and Viktoria Mozgacheva were dismissed by Tulobaev.
Tulobaev told protesters he is ready to appoint Alimbek Abdyldaev as his advisor. He said the financial police is investigating the probe against Abdyldayev.
"I won't work with the man suspected of crime," Tulobaev said.
Besides, the acting mayor said criminal probes were launched against 5 directors of municipal companies, whom he plans to fire as well.
Tulobaev claimed Viktoria Mozgacheva resigned even after he asked her not to leave the post.
Tulobaev also said he won't fire participants of the today's rally, who are workers of Bishkek lighting and Bishkek heat distribution municipal enterprises.
Acting mayor of Bishkek Balbak Tulobaev has no legal grounds for dismissal of vice mayors Alimbek Abdyldayev and Viktora Mozgacheva, Gulia Almambetova, mayor's advisor, said.
Almambetova told protesters she met with Tulobaev and asked about reasons of dismissal of two vice mayors. Tulobaev mentioned the criminal probes.
"He said he does not need my advice either. He said: You leave too, I do not need you," she told protesters.