6 police officers detained in Osh region on suspicion of torture after a 26-year-old man dies inside police departmentFood production in Kyrgyzstan decreased by 4.1%

Import of goods to Kyrgyzstan decreased by 28.1% in 10 months


Фотографии: akipress.kg

November 20, 2020, 13:40       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Import of goods to Kyrgyzstan decreased by 28.1% in 10 months and made $2,661.9 million, according to the National Statistics Committee. The decrease of imports was caused by the decrease of footwear import by 4.2 times, clothes and accessories - 2.6 times, chemical threads and fibers - 2.5 times, ceramic products - 1.7 times, electrical machinery and equipment - 1.7 times, equipment and mechanical devices - 1.7 times, wood and wood products - 1.6 times, fruits and nuts - 28 times.
At the same time, the import of vegetables and root crops increased by 1.5 times, wheat flour - by 1.5 times, ferrous metal products - by 43%, aluminum - by 24%, pharmaceutical products - by 9.2%, natural gas - by 7.3%, cereals - by 4.3%.

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