2,746 fires occurred in Kyrgyzstan in 2020At least 1/3 of air companies stopped working in Kyrgyzstan

Emergency situations fatalities significantly grew in 2020 in Kyrgyzstan


Фотографии: akipress.kg

January 19, 2021, 16:15       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - The number of emergency situation has grown in 2020 in Kyrgyzstan compared to 2019, Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations Kalys Akhmatov told a press conference on January 19.
31 emergency situations were registered in 2019, 33 such situations were registered in 2020, he said.
The number of fatalities in emergency situations significantly grew compared to 2019. This is connected with coronavirus pandemic. The financial damage caused dropped by 17% in 2020 compared to 2019," Kalys Akhmatov said.

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