May 3, 2021, 15:48
AKIPRESS.COM - The Ministry of Health and Social Development named 34 Kyrgyzstanis who died as a result of the Kyrgyz-Tajik border conflict. Identity of one died citizen is yet to be established.
35 citizens died in total, 3 servicemen and 32 civilians.
The Interior Ministry said at least 25 bodies of local residents were found after mortat shelling of Golovnoi water distribution facility in Ak-Sai rural municipality of Batken district on April 29. They were included in the death toll. The criminal probe was launched into mass killing. Servicemen:
Esentur Kubanychbekov, born in 1991. He had served in Batken just 2 weeks and died as a result of clashes with the Tajik side on April 29.
Bekzat Yuldashev, born in 1991. He died as a result of clashes on April 29.
Manasbek uulu Nursultan, born in 1992. He died during Kyrgyz-Tajik border clashes on April 29.
Residents of Batken district:
Mahamadrasul Saidarov, born in 1985, native of Karabak village. Died as a result of mortar shelling by Tajik servicemen.
Madina Rahmatjanova, born in 2008, native of Kulundu village. When 12-year-old Madina with her mother was running to the neighboring village, the fragments of the shell hit Madina injuring her heart, kidneys and other organs. She remained on the ground wounded for around 40 minutes as her mother could not approach her due to uninterrupted shooting. The girl died on the way to hospital since she lost too much blood.
Altynbek Karabotoev, born in 1982, native of Kadamjai. Father of three children.
Tynchtybek Ergeshali uulu, born in 1991, native of Karabak village. Died as a result of mortar shelling by Tajik troops.
Turdubai Sattarov, born in 1988, native of Karabak village. Died as a result of mortar shelling by Tajik troops.
Alijan Tagaibaev, born in 1990, native of Batken. Died as a result of mortar shelling by Tajik troops.
Doolatbek Jigitaly uulu, born in 1998, native of Karabak village. Died as a result of mortar shelling by Tajik troops
Akjol Arypbai uulu, 26 years. Died as a result of mortar shelling by Tajik troops
Rashid Uson uulu, born in 1973, native of Batken
Jamshit Ganiev, born in 1990, native of Chet-Bulak village
Dastan Nurumbaev, born in 1983, native of Kyzyl-Bel village
Midin Mahmadali uulu, born in 1991, native of Buzhum village
Ulanbek Musaev, born in 1991, native of Batken
Chingiz Tenirbaev, born in 1995, native of Buzhum village
Salim Bakhtiyarov, born in 1961, native of Kyzyl-Bel village
Bayaman Abdrakhmanov, born in 1998, native of Batken
Sagyn Karataev, born in 1977, native of Kok-Tash village
Suyun Tagaev, born in 1969, native of Batken;
Mederbek Kamchiev, born in 1995, native of Kyzyl-Jol village
Jarkynbek Amanov, born in 1988, native of Buzhum village
Myrzabek Abdurakhmanov, born in 1991, native of Buzhum village
Sultanbek Abdyvahap uulu, born in 2002, native of Kyzyl-Jol village
Omurbek Bahridem uulu, born in 2003, native of Kyzyl-Jol village
Moolanbek Tajibaev, born in 1990, native of Kyzyl-Jol village
Toichubek Ismanov, born in 1958, native of Kashka-Jol
Shukhratbek Zikirov, born in 1989, native of Ak-Sai village
Anamidin Asanov, born in 1972
Pakhlavan Rajamatov, born in 1991, native of International village
Mahmutjan Kudaiberdiev, born in 1966, native of Inernational village
Azizbek Baktiyarov, born in 1997, native of Kara-Suu district of Osh region
Rajaboi Egamberdiev, born in 1967, native of Maksat village
Identity of one died citizen is yet to be established.