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Kyrgyzstan ranked 121 in Elite Quality Index 2021



May 25, 2021, 11:18       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Kyrgyzstan ranked 121 out of 151 in the Elite Quality Index 2021, the degree to which the business models of elites in a country - on aggregate - create value. Kyrgyzstan scored 42.3 points.
The Elite Quality Index 2021 is measured by the Swiss University of St. Gallen and the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo. EQx does not measure elites directly; instead, it assesses the actual degree of value creation of their business models as reflected in macro and micro data-sets. "We believe that the more value-creation and less rent seeking take place, the higher the levels of inclusive economic and human development the nation will achieve in the future," the researchers said.
Elites are narrow, coordinated groups with business models that successfully accumulate wealth; they are an empirical inevitability and exist in every society on earth. Elites provide critical coordination capacity for the economy's resources, whether human, financial or knowledge-based. By shaping institutions that enable coordination, elites determine human and economic development, the wealth of nations, as well as their rise and fall.
Countries scoring comparatively high have elites that create more value than they capture. Such countries can expect higher economic and human development levels in the future. Countries scoring comparatively low have elites that capture more value than they create. Such countries may develop more extractive institutions and see less human welfare
The neighboring countries took the following places: Tajikistan ranked 140th, Uzbekistan 82nd, Kazakhstan 46th, China 26th, Russia 65th.

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