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Uzbekistan building bridge across Amudarya to shorten time of transportation of goods from Kazakhstan, Russia



May 27, 2021, 14:44       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Construction of the road and rail bridge linking the Republic of Karakalpakstan with Khorezm region of Uzbekistan is ongoing, Uzbekistan Railways reported.
The construction of a new bridge across the Amudarya river will shorten distance for transportation of goods coming from Russia and Kazakhstan for 240 km and the time in travel for 6 hours.
The volume of freight transportation is expected to double to reach 25 million tons a year. The economic effect is believed to grow upon development of the above regions of Uzbekistan.
The costs of transportation of inert materials to Khorezm region from Karakalpakstan will fall, which will eventually lead to decrease of cost of construction of social facilities and infrastructure.
The total length of the road-rail bridge will make 413 meters.It will be 8.5 m wide.
The road will have two lanes. The bridge will also have pedestrian crosswalks from both sides.

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