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Kyrgyz Health Ministry paying compensations to COVID-19 frontliners


Фотографии: akipress.kg

June 17, 2021, 11:48       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - The Ministry of Health and Social Development issued a resolution on payment of one-off compensations to workers of healthcare organizations on June 14.
Those workers of health care organizations, who applied for compensations before 11 January 2021, will receive 200,000 soms compensations in case they were infected with coronavirus infection while performing their work duties. 1 million soms compensations will be paid to families of medical workers who died from coronavirus infection.
196 medical workers received 200,000 soms compensateions. One family of the died medical worker received 1 million som compensation.
1,121 medical workers received compensations. 33 families of died medical workers received 1 million som compensations each.
The applications of medical workers submitted before January 11 will be considered within a week.

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