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Uzbek citizen fined in Kazakhstan for faking seizure after COVID-19 vaccination


Фотографии: akipress.kg

July 29, 2021, 14:34       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - A citizen of Uzbekistan was fined $25 by a court in Kazakhstan, after the man pretended he had seizure following vaccination against coronavirus infection.
The man works as a loader at a market in Atyrau. The video was spread across social media showing the man lying on the ground. The local public health department said the man faked a seizure.
The administration of the outpatient clinic where the man received a shot said he remained under medical observation for a required amount of time after the second dose of the vaccine was administered. The clinic filed a claim against the man. The man admitted his guilt in court and brought apologies to health workers.

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