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Rally against uranium mining: Public TV channels ignore protests

April 30, 2019, 14:29       Источник       Комментарии

Public television channels of Kyrgyzstan ignore rallies against uranium mining. Civil activist Marat Musuraliev said it at a rally held by the Green Party.
He told that the public television channels did not show protests in Issyk-Kul or in Bishkek.
Related news 12 licenses for uranium prospecting and exploration are valid in Kyrgyzstan "They ignore such important events. But the rallies will not stop. Until a moratorium is adopted, we will support all protests against uranium mining," said Marat Musuraliev.
The Green Party intends to continue the rally during May holidays.
Recall, YurAsia Company was going to develop Tash-Bulak deposit of Kyzyl-Ompol group of uranium-thorianite placers. It was planned to process it at Kara-Balta Mining Plant. However, residents of Ton district of Issyk-Kul region strongly oppose the project. After a wave of indignation, the head of government ordered to suspend any work at the field until the conclusion of a special commission.
Representative of investors Andrey Akimov told reporters that after the protests began, the company suspended all work in the country until the situation changes. Protests against the development of the field took place in Bishkek. The First Deputy Prime Minister Kubatbek Boronov announced revocation of the license from YurAsia company.

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