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Head of SSPE familiarizes himself with state of closed institutions in Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts


Фотографии: kabar.kg


May 2, 2019, 11:30       Источник kabar.kg       Комментарии

Bishkek, May 2, 2019 /Kabar/. Chairman of the State Service for Punishments Execution (SSPE) of Kyrgyzstan Melis Turganbaev got acquainted with the state of closed institutions of the penitentiary services in Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts.
The press service of the SSPE reported that Turganbaev held meetings on Apr. 30, 2019with the personnel of detention unit-5, colony-settlement No. 42, correctional colony No. 10, detention unit-53 (for minors and women), as well as with soldiers of the 5th special battalion of the protection and convoy department of the SSPE.
First of all, the chairman drew attention to the quantitative and qualitative composition of the staff, provision of their material assets, at the same time he demanded to be worthy employees of the SSPE and to observe the service discipline.
He also instructed to the heads of the institutions to develop the existing production facilities and open new ones, to conduct timely medical examinations of prisoners, to react immediately if patients are identified, especially TB patients.
Also, on the occasion of the opening of the monitoring centre in the central office of the SSPE, the chairman demanded to equip institutions with video cameras.
Then the SSEP chairman met with Kiyanbek Satybaldiyev, the governor of Jalal-Abad oblast.
В ходе обсуждения они пришли к единому мнению, что необходимо вывести за черту города Джалал-Абад учреждение ИК-10, а в последующем и СИЗО-53.
In the course of the discussion, they agreed in necessity to move the correctional colony -10 to outskirts of the city and later on the detention unit-53 as well.
Turganbaev also inspected the houses under construction for SSPE employees in Jalal-Abad.
In addition, he visited the probation centers and noted the positive and best practices in the correctional colony - 10, where volunteers teach the inmates to make national souvenirs.

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