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Results of meeting Secretaries of SCO Security Council in Bishkek



May 15, 2019, 14:49       Источник       Комментарии

Bishkek, May 15, 2019 / Kabar /. Secretaries of the Security Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) states-members exchanged views in Bishkek on the threshold of SCO Summit in Bishkek.
Secretary of the Security Council of Kyrgyzstan Damir Sagynbaev told reporters that the participants of the meeting discussed the issues of security and stability in the SCO space, in particular, further development of cooperation of the SCO member states in combating terrorism, separatism and extremism, drug trafficking, transnational organized crime, as well as information security issues.
"The sides stated that the factors of instability and uncertainty in the world are increasing, the risks associated with the exacerbation of conflicts in a number of regions, the continuing growth of threats of terrorism, separatism and extremism increase. The meeting participants condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, stressed the importance of creating a single global anti-terrorism front with a central coordinating role of the UN acting on the basis of international law without politicization and double standards," Sagynbaev told reporters.
In addition, the meeting participants emphasized the inadmissibility of UN intervention in the internal affairs of states under the pretext of countering terrorism and extremism, as well as the unacceptability of using terrorist, extremist and radical groups.
The sidess stressed the need for the comprehensive implementation of the program of cooperation of the SCO member states in the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism for 2019-2021 and the entry into force of the SCO Convention on countering extremism.
The XIV meeting of the secretaries of the security council of the countries participating in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was held on May 14 -15 in Bishkek.
The heads of the delegations were received by President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov, and at the end of the meeting they signed the protocol of the meeting.
It should be noted that this year Kyrgyzstan chairs the SCO. The next meeting of the Security Council Secretaries of the participating countries of the organization will be held in 2020 in Russia.

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