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PM stands for resignation of Imankadyr Rysaliev from Open Government

May 20, 2019, 9:30       Источник       Комментарии

Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev believes that Imankadyr Rysaliev should leave the post of the head of Open Government National Forum. He recommended to dismiss the scandalous gray figure from this post. The Government's Executive Office informed news agency.
The head of the Cabinet has already sent his message to the Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, Ambassador Pierre von Arx, and recommended initiating the process of recalling Imankadyr Rysaliev from the post of the Head of the Secretariat of the Open Government National Forum due to the great public resonance caused by the situation around him.
"This decision is dictated by the importance of further effective promotion of the principles of transparency in public administration and the involvement of the civilian sector in public administration," commented the Government's Executive Office.
Earlier, it was decided to create a deputy commission to study the activities of the company KT Mobile after the scandal with the participation of relatives of the Prime Minister Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev. It became known at the meeting of the commission that Imankadyr Rysaliev threatened the head of MegaCom cellular company.

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