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"Made in Kyrgyzstan" brand to withstand competition, President believes


Фотографии: 24.kg

July 31, 2019, 17:06       Источник 24.kg       Комментарии

"The brand "Made in Kyrgyzstan" will withstand competition on the foreign market," said the President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov during a meeting with residents of Panfilov district of Chui region.
He stressed that a plan of measures was approved for activating the export of eco, organic products to China. Work is underway. In addition, the Government adopted an export development program for 2019-2022. According to it, some measures are envisaged to increase the volume of exports of processed agricultural products to China, to ensure the growth of processed products.
"We will withstand global competition thanks to organic products without chemicals. Prices for agricultural products are comparatively lower in the republic than in the neighboring countries. These factors in the future will strengthen the brand of eco-products produced in the Kyrgyz Republic. Membership in EEU and the GSP + status also provide an opportunity for organic Kyrgyz products to enter a large market," noted Sooronbai Jeenbekov.
Recall, the head of state continues his trips to the regions. Today, he decided to visit Chui region. As part of this trip, he met with the residents of Panfilov district.

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