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First audiobook of folk tales to be released in Tajikistan



August 6, 2019, 13:57       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - The first audiobook of Tajik folk tales in the state and Pamir languages is recorded by actor Firuz Sabzaliev, a graduate of VGIK, who starred in Russian cinema, along with his Tajik colleagues. In total, the actors will record 15 folk tales, and they hope that with the help of their work they will begin the creation of audio books in Tajik in our country, Asia-Plusreports. Firuz attracted his famous Tajik colleagues to the voice acting of folks tales - theater and film actors. In addition, volunteers and simply not indifferent people who are trying to help the project as far as possible joined the project.
The whole narrative is conducted in Tajik, but for originality and credibility, the characters of folk tales speak different dialects of the state language. In addition, three tales will be recorded in Shugnan and Rushan languges with translation into the state.
Firuz chose all the works for the audiobook from the "Afsonahoi Halqi Tojik" collection ("Tales of Tajik peoples"), which was published in 1975.
Recording of an audiobook should be completed by September 30 of this year, after which it will be upload for public access on the Internet. Anyone can get the source of the record for its subsequent distribution, for example, on CD's, since not all Tajiks have access to the Internet.

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