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Deputy PM, Chinese ambassador discuss situation at Solton-Sary



August 6, 2019, 16:29       Источник       Комментарии

Bishkek, Aug.6, 2019. /Kabar/. Deputy Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Jenish Razakov met with Ambassador of China to Kyrgyzstan Du Dewen.
In the course of the meeting, views were exchanged on the early settlement of the incident between Chinese citizens and the local population near the Solton-Sary deposit, the press service of the Government reported.
Razakov stressed that the Government understands the importance of ensuring the protection of the interests of both investors and the local population, and believes that all disputes should be resolved in a legal manner, without turning the domestic situation into a political one.
He also noted that internal affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic are conducting a thorough and objective study of all the circumstances of the incident. In addition, appropriate measures are being taken to ensure public safety and law and order on the ground.
Note, First Deputy PM Kubatbek Boronov, Governor of Naryn Oblast Amanbai Kayipov, Minister of Internal Affairs Kashkar Dzhunushaliyev, as well as representatives of other relevant ministries and agencies are in the Solton-Sary deposit.
Awareness-raising activities among the population are being carried out on the ground.
On Aug. 5, 2019, residents of the villages of Naryn Oblast gathered at the Solton-Sary deposit to voice their demands for suspension of the Chinese company's activity at the gold ore deposit.
The number of participants was about 300 people. Later, there was a conflict between local residents and employees of the Chinese company. Both sides started throwing stones at each other. As a result, there are victims who were taken to the territorial hospital.

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