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8,700 foreign specialists obtain work permits in Kyrgyzstan

August 22, 2019, 10:05       Источник       Комментарии

At least 8,757 foreign specialists have obtained work permits in Kyrgyzstan for seven months. The State Migration Service reported.
The state service reminded that in April 2019 they have increased the work permit fee to increase revenues to the state budget and protect the national labor market from the influx of low-skilled foreign labor.
Related news Quota for foreign workers proposed to be reduced in Kyrgyzstan "For seven months of 2019, the republican budget has received 64.3 million soms from issue of the permits. Compared to the same period of 2018, the indicator grew 1.8 times. The new state fees will allow the civil service to replenish the budget by about 100 million soms by the end of the year," the state service said.
Most of the foreign workers in Kyrgyzstan are from China - 6,711 people, Turkey - 588 people, the Republic of Korea - 238 people, Pakistan - 186 people, the USA - 113 people, India and Uzbekistan - 104 and 101 people respectively.
Work permits were issued to 656 foreign citizens working in the markets of Kyrgyzstan, including 515 people in Bishkek and Chui region, and 141 - in the southern region.

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