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Lists of alimony avoiders to be posted on Judicial Department's website

August 22, 2019, 9:44       Источник 24.kg       Комментарии

A database of child support avoiders will be posted on the website of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan. Press service of the department reported.
The database is reportedly being created on the basis of amendments to the Law on Status of Bailiffs and Enforcement Proceedings adopted on June 26, 2019.
A photograph and information about an alimony avoider, if he is wanted, will be posted on the website. Basis is a written statement of a claimant.
After full repayment of the debt or termination of enforcement proceedings, information about the debtor will be removed from the database of the Judicial Department.
The department reminds that this law is aimed at protecting the institution of the motherhood and childhood by regulating some issues regarding child support obligations of unscrupulous debtors.

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