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Civil servants must be proficient in Kyrgyz language: President



November 30, -0001, 0:00       Источник       Комментарии 5

AKIPRESS.COM - Kyrgyz language has not yet gained its historic momentum in the society, and we have much to do in order for Kyrgyz to become a language of international communication, said President Sooronbai Jeenbekov in his speech at the solemn event on the occasion of 30th anniversary of granting of Kyrgyz a status of the state language in Kyrgyzstan.
He suggested to fulfill 5 tasks to boost Kyrgyz language's status of state language. First, the decisive steps must be taken to increase the Kyrgyz language proficiency among the civil servants. State and municipal workers must be proficient in Kyrgyz. "Only from 0.4% to 40% of the records of ministries and agencies are done in Kyrgyz language," he noted. The quality of those records is low.
Second, it is necessary to develop the Kyrgyz language in the legal, economic, technological and other fields.
Third, preserving and expansion of the use of Kyrgyz language is not only the task of the linguists, but the entire nation. "The problem is in us. We don'y communicate with our children in Kyrgyz, it is not used in everyday life. Without introducing children to Kyrgyz literature, Kyrgyz culture, and Kyrgyz spirituality in general, how can we pass on the national heritage to them?"
"We will be able to develop our language only when children and youth from every family will speak, write and think in Kyrgyz language," he added.
Fourth, we can't force learning Kyrgyz language.
Fifth, all the education institutions must shift to Kyrgyz language teaching using modern methods. "Knowing and speaking Kyrgyz must become prestigious," the head of state said.

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