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Weather alert: Drop in air temperature expected in Kyrgyzstan



September 25, 2019, 18:01       Источник       Комментарии

Unstable weather is expected in Kyrgyzstan on September 29-30. Kyrgyzhydromet reported.
Rain is expected in most parts of the territory of the republic on September 29 at night and during the day, and snow - in the mountainous areas. Occasional rain is forecasted for September 30. Rain can turn into snow in the foothill areas of Chui, Jalal-Abad regions and in the agricultural zone of Issyk-Kul and Naryn regions. Intense precipitations are expected in some areas of Chui, Talas, Jalal-Abad regions and in the east of Issyk-Kul region.
West wind will reach 4-9 meters per second with a gain of up to 17-22 meters per second in some areas.
A drop in air temperature is forecasted. On September 29-30, it will drop in the valley zone of Chui region at night to +5 ... + 10, during the day - to +12 ... + 17; in the foothills of Chui region and in the agricultural zone of Talas region at night - to +3 ... + 8, in the afternoon - to + 16; in the valley zone of Osh, Jalal-Abad, Batken regions at night - to +10 ... + 15, during the day - to +20, in foothill areas at night - to +5 ... + 10, during the day - to +18; in Issyk-Kul basin and the agricultural zone of Naryn region at night - to +2 ... + 7, during the day - to +12 ... + 17, in the mountainous areas at night -to −4 ... + 1, during the day - to +5 ... + 10, in the highlands - to −10 ... - 5, in the afternoon - to −4 ... + 1.
Such unstable weather will complicate agricultural work, grazing and keeping livestock on pastures, work of vehicles, communications, energy and utilities enterprises.
Frosts are expected on October 1-2 at night in the foothill regions of Chui and Jalal-Abad regions, in some places to −2, in the agricultural zone of Talas and Issyk-Kul regions - to −3, in the agricultural zone of Naryn region - to −4.

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